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Richard Stallman loves Eugenics

I was reading some nonsense from the fuckfaces over at the Stallman Support website. They attempt to apologize for Stallman’s shitty behavior by explaining away why he is such a fucking monster.

Just take a second to read this bullshit., dipshit

First paragraph: abort fetuses that have Down’s syndrome

This is fucking eugenics bruh, plain and fucking simple. I’m not arguing about the definition of a person here motherfucker, I’m arguing against eugenics.

Stallman literally thinks that this test should be used to erase fetuses with down’s syndrome by suggesting to parents that they ought to abort these fetuses before they become a burden.

People with down syndrome are great fucking people. Leave them the fuck alone. They did this in Nazi Fucking Germany.

Yeah, I get it. It’s a fucking fetus, but it’s the same god damned thing that Hitler did. Instead of lethal injections or gassing a person with down’s syndrome, you’re terminating a fetus that might have it. Same god damn fucking result. Same god damn fucking objective.

And hey, I’m not against abortion, asshole. Women (and trans men) should have the right to terminate a pregnancy. But they shouldn’t be encouraged to do so because the fetus might grow into a child with a disability, dipshit.

If you normalize this, what’s next? It won’t stop here at down’s syndrome.

“Oh your child is going to have autism, we better abort it! Children with autism are a huge burden!”

Far fetched? Here is an article about how the concept of detecting autism in the womb is getting closer to reality.

“Oh your child might end up being gay, better abort that fetus!”

There is no “gay gene”, I know! But look at this too.

“It seems that your fetus has grown a penis and it is being bombarded by female hormones and the brain seems to be developing as a female. Your child might end up being TRANSGENDER! Oh no! Better abort it! What a burden!”

There is a lot of controversy around detecting trans people in the womb, but scientists are studying it. There are a lot of fucking bigot parents out there who would rather abort a fetus than to have a transgender daughter or son.

Before you say “slippery slope argument” fuckface, check out the Ten Stages of Genocide and go fuck yourself.